This service is provided by the P&C Association.
Payment can be made via direct deposit, cheque or cash. Please see payment details below.
Richmond State School P&C,
Direct Deposit:
Richmond State School P&C
BSB: 084-897
Account # : 508909039
No EFTPOS facilities are available for purchasing school uniforms.
School Shirt - $30.00 (S/S)
- $35.00 (L/S)
Sports Shirt - $30.00 (S/S)
- $35.00 (L/S)
School Skorts - $15.00
School Shorts - $15.00
School hats - $20.00
Tracksuit Jacket - $45.00
Tracksuit Pants - $45.00
Tracksuit Pants Black - $30.00
Please see the
school office should you wish to place orders.
The Student Dress Code outlines the dress requirements for all students.